Who am I?

Hey, I’m Nathalie Siara, licensed Dog Trainer in Potsdam Germany and if you and your dog suffer from your dog’s reactivity then I know that all too well myself.

When I planned adopting a dog I hoped for a happy friend always keen on accompanying me to wherever.

And here came my Mexican rescue: Yobi.

Whilst in the beginning everything was fine after three months the switch got flipped (quite a usual thing as I learned later).

She shouted at every dog within 100m without calming down for another 5mins. She also showed an excellent talent in hunting – just not together with me. More the „good bye see you in 3h“ kind of way. On lead we couldn’t step into a forest as she was pulling madly, keen to find whoever scent she got.

She also has a thing with water. If  any water, bigger than a puddle is near, she just wants to dig and shout into it. Which, fair enough, you know? But she wouldn’t stop. She doesn’t see the world anymore. Remember that she barked at every dog in sight? Well, if there was water she at least didn’t saw the dogs anymore, even when they were directly up her bum.

The biggest bummer about this situation was this: By that time, we lived at the Baltic Sea. There was NO place we could take a walk stress free. There always was a dog, prey or water.

As you can imagine: That was absolutely not what I expected as having a dog. I was pretty desperate. And both, me and Yobi were unhappy.

So I decided to take a dog training course to unterstand more about dogs, behavior and dog training.